Tag: right of way

Understanding public rights of way over private land
If you have a public right of way over your land or you are considering buying a property with a public right of way crossing it, you need to be aware of the obligations that accompany it. You may also have questions about moving the path. We take a look at the legal situation. Public...

Can you get rid of a right of way across your land?
If you have a right of way across your land or you are thinking of buying a property with a right of way, you may be wondering if it is possible to eliminate this. We take a look at the legal situation. A right of way is a type of easement or a right held...

Right of way disputes
Disagreements over rights of way can become bitter and entrenched if not dealt with promptly and efficiently. We take a look at how rights of way arise and how to resolve a dispute before it escalates. Right of way disputes can arise for a number of reasons. Examples include: How is a right of way...